Sunday, July 19, 2009

7-19-09 Continued

I know I have already posted a blog earlier this morning, but more exciting things have happened since then that I felt like I needed to write yet again.
I am not sure if I mentioned that we had Revival last night up at the church, but we went up there last night for a couple of hours and had a nice, relatively short (in Zulu time) service. Forman delivered the message for everyone and I think it was a great challenge to us all. One thing I love about his messages is that he engrains the idea that it isn't all about us. It is all about others.
This morning, we got up to the church around 12:30 and everyone was pretty much already there. The kids and I practiced the dance really quickly, but they really didn't need it because they all pretty much remembered it. They finally got to perform it in church today and I was just so proud. They did so well! Hopefully soon, I can get the video of them doing it on here so everyone can check it out. Let me tell you that today was the longest church service yet. We got home around 4:30 and the sun has pretty much started to set on me. I feel like I just woke up! I was SO hungry when I got back that Forman and I made a burger run. haha. Anyways, today in church the kids did their dance and I got the chance to brag on the children a bit about how proud everyone should be of them. It is kind of a cultural thing for adults to not really involved in children's activities and developmental ideas. Kids/teenagers are not taken as seriously as they should be. Let's just say that there isn't near enough time put in on working with the rural children in churches and communities. So, I was just so excited that I could tell the church how impressive those kids were and just how hard they worked on their dance. Also, I wanted them to realize that those kids could have done a number of things on their holiday break from school, but they decided to come to Bible School and worship God. That is awesome.
Another great thing that happened this morning was that the plumber for Jabulani's house gave his life to Christ this morning in church. He is only 22 and unbelievably talented. Jordan said he does a better job than many work jobs done back at home. Not to mention he is a super nice guy. We were all happy to see him come up today. Another girl visiting the church also came up when Forman gave the invitation.
Pakamile (a girl who has TB and had spent time in Fikile and Jabulani's clinic) was at church today. She looked so sick and coughed a good bit of the service. She had been staying in the clinic where Fikile and Zenhle had been taking care of her. Apparently, there was an issue involving the trifling mother and now Pakamile is back at home when she really needs to be at the clinic. I am not sure if I wrote about it one night, but when the group from Mission was up, we all went over to Jabulani's one night for a Zulu dinner and bonfire. Pakamile was staying at the clinic then and we brought her outside to sit in front of the fire. I am not sure how to describe it, but we were all standing there singing and praying, etc. when I got the strangest urge to just touch her. It was the weirdest thing, but somehow I felt like if I could touch her, I might heal her. I am sure that sounds crazy and believe me, I did not really know what to do. So I kind of bit back the urge for awhile, but the next thing I knew, Jabulani asked everyone to lay hands on Pakamile and pray for her right then. Then I knew I couldn't refrain any longer and God was saying, "Well fine then, if you won't do it yourself, I will make everyone do it." As we laid hands on her, I just touched her leg and wept because I was so overwhelmed by the longing to heal all of her sickness. So today at church, Jabulani called her again to the front of the church where some of the elders, Forman, and I came up to lay hands on her. She just sat there coughing and weeping. I had my hand on her shoulder and I promise I could feel every bone in her shoulder; she was frightfully skinny. I know her time is limited, but again I felt the urge to want to heal her. This time, the entire church joined in and everyone was simultaneously praying for her healing. I cannot say whether she will be physically healed, but I sure want it for her. I also just hope she received some comfort and peace in those moments this morning. I can't begin to imagine what her life must be like and the things she must go through at such a young age. I really hope she comes back to stay at the clinic.
That is one of the things I forget about when I am over here. The horrible and truthful reality of disease and sickness. It is so easy to forget with all the surrounding happiness, but today was an instant reminder of the struggles that do go on here. If you are reading this, will you please just say a quick prayer for Pakamile? Doesn't having to be anything extensive, I just want to believe in that prayer truly does have power. I know it does. Thank you for that! :-)
Well, again, I begin back school tomorrow. I am excited that I got a chance to know the children more of the church community, but I am also excited that I will be able to get to know the kids from school a little more over the next couple of weeks. I am curious to see what the Principal has in store for me. I still am not sure what he will have me doing. The suspense may make for an interesting week. I hope you will have a great week yourself, for those reading. Thank you for just taking time to care. Gosh, it just means so much to me and I cannot express my appreciativeness. Cheers from S.A!!!!

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