Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wednesday- July 8, 2009

So, I am excited to tell you about this week! We started Bible School at Jabulani's church this past Monday and today was our third day. It is supposed to start every morning at 8 and go to about 12 or 1, but let's face it: We are in South Africa and they have their own idea about time. So if you say, "Let's start at 8," it translates (psychologically) as 9ish. I love that they flow that way though. It is like, hey! We will get there when we get there! So anyways, we are focusing on that ANYTHING is possible as long as we have God on our side. Today was my favorite day so far, though. I took the verse Phillipians 4:13 and focused on "strength." I read the story that Jesus told about the two men who built houses; one built his on rock, they other built his on shifting sand. I love that story because it beautifully symbolizes our relationship with God and how we make it through good and bad times. If we build our foundations on Him, even when things get tough, we can withstand the storms, because we are strong in Him. I also love the way a rock symbolizes strength. When I think about setting my mind to something, or making something possible, I just always think of being strong. So, for our arts and craft, we all went and found a rock outside and they decorated it with paint. You know you, I definitely have never possessed the gift of public speaking and it mostly terrifies me. Especially from a preaching type stand point. But, it was amazing to feel the words flowing from my mouth today when I was speaking to those kids. It was like, I was so sure in my heart about things, that I didn't have to think twice about what to say. It was a refreshing feeling!
One of my favorite aspects about Bible School is that I have been teaching the older children a dance to the song "Shackles" by Mary Mary. The song basically says that God takes the shackles off our feet and hands so we can dance. I talked to Ronny briefly today about it. We sing that song at Mission and it is a very soulful song. At home, it would be quite a sight for us to literally dance to that song. Ronny asked me if he should dance to it next time they sing it? I told him that he should (even though it might taint his reputation a bit). It doesn't make much since that we are singing a song about how we want to dance, but we are not dancing at all. Anyways, the kids dance to the chorus, then during the verses, they are acting out the words. I am so excited about it because they are going to get to do it this Sunday. Man, I wish I could post the video of it on here! haha. It is awesome! If you get a chance, look up the song, "Shackles" on YouTube. You will totally want to dance to it.
I am continuously in awe at how those kids just let me come in and they accept me. What did I do to deserve their attention and affection? I think they are starting to get used to me a little more. Bless their hearts, you should have seen their blank stares and deer-in-the-headlights looks at first. They were SO shy. I told myself, the goofier I act, the better things will get for us. Well, you know, being goofy is like second nature to me. Playing games always helps as well. Today, I discovered they have all these neat little sing-song type games where they all stand in a circle. They did all of them for me today where they are saying/singing a clever phrase and clapping while the person in the middle has to go and pass it on to someone in the circle. They had about 10 different songs. One of them consisted of the person in the middle going up to another and saying/singing, "I love you, S0 & So, but the problem with you is _______." They are so clever! It amazes me all the fun they easily create for themselves.
Another amazing thing is how their voices quickly fill the entire church. Like there isn't a single inch on the wall that doesn't get touched by the music. Jordan suggested the simple song, "God is so good." One would think, what a song that lacks. You would quickly change your mind after hearing them sing it. It completely changed my feelings about the "child" song. How they bring it to life!
Another thing I want to say is how often I am reminded of my own insufficient ability to always do things that are pleasing to God. We fail others, we fail ourselves, yet we are continuously awarded second chances by the one who gave us the ULTIMATE chance of a lifetime in exchange for His son's life. I just want to say how truly thankful I am that I am allowed to be here in this place feeling more love than I deserve to feel. Even when I feel like running away in the opposite direction, He is quick to bring me back. Kind of reminds me of all the goats that roam around here. If you drove down any Hluhluwe road, you would know what I am talking about. Even though they wander and wander, somehow they always find their way back home. I promise it is almost impossible to be far away from God in this place! I think it is because there aren't many places that don't feel like home to me. Goodnight!


  1. Hi, Liz...Amy Barbee here. I think that you can download your video to youtube and then post the link into your blog. I am not sure exactly how to do it, but maybe if we put the question out there, someone will be able to tell you. I would be interested to hear and see their adaptation of Shackles.
    I hope to talk to you soon. Amy

  2. Thank you Amy! I can't wait to try and get it on the internet for everyone. I appreciate your advice! Hope everything is going great at home.
