Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday 7-19-09

It is Sunday morning here in Hluhluwe and we will be leaving for church shortly, but I thought I would go ahead and update things a little. The kids from Bible School and I will finally get to perform the "Shackles" dance today; which makes me uncontrollably excited!
Bridgette came down this past week and spent about 4 days with us. I hated to see her go on Friday because it was just so great having her to talk to about everything to. We worked on updating her resume because she is trying to get a job here at the Hluhluwe Hotel. Hopefully she can move here in the next month or two. They'd be crazy not to take her as intelligent and well put together as she is. I've learned that those very qualities that someone at home would be eagerly looking for in a possible job contestant are things that discourage employers from hiring here because of intimidation and the fact they would have to pay them more for being over-qualified. Ridiculous. Both Bridgette and I talked about where we see ourselves going, but I think between the both of us, we have fears of missing opportunities and the fact that time flies by so fast that we are afraid we will run out of time to accomplish what we desire. As silly as it sounds, we both talked about how it stinks growing up and she (at 26) calls herself old. Ha! That is just how ambitious she is, feeling like she is almost too late for success. I think we are just similar in feeling like time flies like sand in an hour glass and we are so up in arms about not missing one single chance to fulfill the things in life we've always dreamed about. I think we both came to the conclusion, though, that it is never too late for anything.
Strangely, after we had sat outside talking about those worries, Jordan had drove to Durban that day to pick up Forman and he came back with a DVD of a message from Francis Chan on worry and anxiousness. We watched it together and I thought, "Wow, what a depressing way I look at things sometimes." The verse he used was Phillipians 4:4-
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice.
I was so glad I heard his words because it just immediately made me realize I should change my perspective on the way I pursue my own life and just go about my dad. I shouldn't worry! I should have excitement about living about respond to situations appropriately (as the chapter goes on to say). About anything. And I know it seems so unrealistic in the eyes of a normal person, but what Pastor Chan goes on to say about the criticism of this idea is that we need to get a grip on reality and that our time here is short and this is not our actual Home. What is there to worry about when all this is temporary anyway? God will listen to our prayers but we should pray using thanks! Maybe this doesn't make sense to you, I just have really been focusing on waking up and saying, "I want be positive today and just have joy that is from God." I think that ultimately will have an effect on people.
One day this past week, we all went up to Ana's house (the lady the mission group decided to build a house for and the lady who has an alternate site for Jabulani's church). Jordan was trying to get the measurements for the house and Bridgette and I just spent time laughing and joking with Ana and her girls. Needless to say, that was definitely a female talk, but had us rolling laughing. I just so enjoy times like those.
Yesterday, I had another one of those opportunities when Forman first got here. Forman, Jabulani and I just sat around for a couple of hours talking about different aspects of the bible and Christian life and how it all relates to each other. Well, mostly it was Jabulani and Forman who discussed things, but I just enjoyed being a sponge and taking it all in. I have found that it is better for me to be like that over here because what a great learning experience it has all been for me. I know I still hold very little knowledge about it all, but I know I have grown in my faith for sure since I have been here. I just enjoy listening and soaking up every bit of understanding about coming closer to Him. I keep on learning, keep on growing.
This week has just been a nice end to my holiday. I begin school back tomorrow at the Primary School. Time sure does fly here.
Well, I will update this more after church, but I am off!

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