Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 3, 2009

It has been awhile since I last wrote, but honestly, I just now got a breather to write. We drove the team to the airport on Wednesday, and then, Patty and Terry just left today. Time is really flying here because I can hardly believe everyone has already came and gone. It is going to be weird for awhile with everyone gone. I think things will change pretty quickly and maybe I can get into that South African routine. I am looking forward to spending more alone time with God and getting to know him better. With the group here, we went on a game drive, saw some wild animals, went to Manguzi to visit Joel's church, went to Tugutugu for an awesome church service, went to St. Lucia and saw crocs, hippos, and the beach, and had a couple of bonfires and great Zulu cooking. I think everyone had a great time. It was hard to see them go. Last night the four of us went to Jabulani's for Patty and Terry's last night here. We had so much fun I can hardly believe I was sitting in S.A. around a bonfire with a bunch of Zulu people and not thinking a thing about it. I am starting to do that a lot. Even riding down the road, it will just hit me: Oh yeah, I am in Africa. Fikile and Zenhle cooked for us. It was amazing as always. The traditional zulu dinner consists of steak, boarwors (which is like pork sausage links), putu (which is maize mill or really fine corn, but it looks like mashed potatoes), spinach greens, vegetable dressing to go over the putu, rice, and sweet potatoes. I tell you I am eating good over here and I might come back thicker than expected! :-) Later after dinner, Fikile called Patty into her room and uncovered a surprise. Fikile had had some women make Patty a traditional Zulu outfit and Patty had to dress up in it. That was absolutely hilarious. I told her to wear it on the plane and she suggested it might take her to first class. She did look pretty important, but maybe not to the average person. So after she dressed up, we all came out dancing and singing a song that says, "Teach me, Father" in Zulu. That is one of the only ones I can sing the words to. haha. 
Also last night, Fikile gave me my Zulu name. She calls me, "Thandeka," which means, "Lovely." I am so completely undeserving of that name. I told Fikile that should be her name. Also, we sat and looked at all the pictures on Terry's computer. There were so many awfully goofy pictures of me I told Fikile she would really be wanting to change my name by now! 
Today, Jordan and I are riding to Richard's Bay to pick up some things for Bible School and a cabinet or bed for the clinic. We are still all in awe of Nelesiwe's recovery. What a beautiful girl she is- that goes inside and out and all the way around. Her smile lights up the room like a candle. I already fell a bond between so many of the people here. Wow God works fast. I can only pray I can have event the smallest impact here. The people here and their beauty force me to look at my own self in the mirror and say, "Am I real?" Meaning, do I have real depth inside? I am so eager to learn here because I know learning about the people here will surely teach me things about myself. It already has, but I have far to go. I need to start planning for Bible School, which starts Monday. There will be so many kids! I think I would like to make the theme the verse Matthew 19:26 which says, "...with God all things are possible." I love to think of that in my own life too. For example, here. I could not make this possible. God was the one who made it work out. Well, I am surely going to miss Patty and Terry, but I am excited to let God grad hold of me and move me where He wants me. The "what" is what I am unsure of, but like everything He does, his love is eventually unveiled.

1 comment:

  1. We are so proud of you and that you are open to God's prompting, fearless at what He is asking you to do. We know you are doing great things already in the lives of the people there in South Africa. We are praying for you daily that God will reveal Himself to you and that His love will be shown through your words, deeds, and actions. We miss you, but we wouldn't want you to miss this opportunity for the world! Can't wait to read about how Bible school went! I know you will have some amazing things to tell.
    We love you,
    Mom, Dad, Riley, & Zach
