Saturday, July 4, 2009

June 25, 2009

As tired as I am, it would be ridiculously crazy for me to go to bed and not write about some of the amazing things God has done here tonight. Today was the big end to the Winter Sports day at school and it was an all day event. I did pretty well in Netbal, just because it is so close to basketball. I failed miserably at soccer (surprised?). I had tons of fun even though the day was long. Tonight's story, however was the ultimate highlight of the trip so far and maybe will remain that way. We (I went with the mission team) went to Bonga's mother, Anacleta, house for a nice traditional Zulu dinner. When we arrived, some of the ladies were outside the house already singing and welcoming us. As we parked, a big group of guys were standing on the side of the road. So some how or another, they ended up walking up to where we were and before you knew it, they were singing songs with us. Well, we were kind of going back and forth because we were trying to think of songs they might know. They would sing a Zulu song, we would sing an English one. They have the most amazing voices and can sing so low! So, this lasted awhile, us all singing. That was only the beginning, though. They began to dance for us as well doing the traditional high leg kick dance. How they do that without pulling muscles and keeping their head from getting hit is beyond me! Jabulani came over to talk to them and come to find out, they were in a group that competes in dancing competitions. We ended up raising some money for them to buy their uniforms for their dance. Anyways, after they danced for us for a couple of hours, I look around, and there is at least 65-70 people there. I thought, "Wow!" Jabulani then started to speak to everyone about God's presence being so great there. Ronny also spoke and it kind of turned into this amazing, unexpected service. Fikile was there to lead us in song. I know I could pick her voice out anywhere. It is so beautiful and carries so smoothly. One boy that was one of the leaders in that group of guys then came forward as Terry was about to pray and found Christ right then. That's when it hit me. Seeing and hearing that boy and feeling the pulsing reality of things. I remember looking around and thinking, "Is this REALLY happening, now?" 9 more boys including Spia, our driver who helps transport people to church and is so sweet and shy, also came forward. Jordan couldn't believe it. God was so real tonight I think I could almost touch him. All that fancy surface nonsense like Ronny preached in his "Losing My Religion" series, such as unneeded structure, organization, and additional frivolous elements, were completely stripped away. What we had there were straight, raw professions of faith and the knowledge that this was what it was like to really come face to face with God. Again tonight touched me in a way that let me know I should be here in this place. These people may not be monetarily rich, but they are so wealthy in terms of true happiness and love. I would love to keep taking those doses myself because I know it is God who is doing the feeding. AMAZING! What a night.

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